New Training Opportunity: LIMITED TIME
sign up right now for this
Concealed Carry Class for Just $45 (Normally $90 Per Person)
Register Now for Free and pay at the door the day of class!
Dear Colorado Springs,

Tony the Gun Guy is now offering Concealed Carry Classes to help you get your Colorado Concealed Carry Permit.

In this uncertain time, the time to get your concealed carry permit is right now.

Tony the Gun Guy has developed a new training method that will give you the skills you need to become comfortable and confident with carrying daily.

Even if you have no experience with shooting, or are intimidated or afraid of training - this new training method is absolutely perfect for any skill level to become confident.
  • A Colorado Concealed Carry Permit is valid in 26 other states - which means you can carry while traveling!
  • ​Learn From the Best! Tony the Gun Guy attended the nation's most engaging training program to become a Certified Firearm Instructor. This training is far more impactful than the run-of-the-mill course!
  • Learn in a Relaxed, Comfortable Environment
  • After you receive your permit, you will no longer have a 3-day wait when making a self-defense purchase
  •  You will be able to conceal carry everywhere legal - including businesses, banks, churches, and both federal and state parks - keeping you safe while enjoying the outdoors
How Does Tony's Concealed Carry Class Work?
Here's how easy we make it:
  • Step 1: Register now for our easy, hands-on concealed carry class. Normally $90, we've cut the fee by HALF to help you get your permit. (Just $45 if you sign up right now!)
  • Step 2: Attend our in-person training right in Colorado Springs, CO. There is no shooting required.
  • Step 3: Go to your local Sheriff's Department and apply for your permit!
Use the Calendar Below to Reserve Your Seat Before Classes Book

We welcome all legal Colorado Residents regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

Refuse to Be a Victim: Sign Up Now to Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe
Uncomfortable or Intimidated by Shooting? Our New and Unique Training Method Removes Those Fears in Minutes
Concealed Carry Class
Tony the Gun Guy
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ONE TIME OFFER ($997): Lets face it. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In condimentum aliquam arcu, ut pharetra nunc feugiat in. Nam tempor dui non mi mollis vulputate. Donec fermentum arcu ac mauris placerat, quis mattis mi porttitor. Nulla condimentum felis lacus, eu viverra dui congue a. Proin vel augue eu diam egestas finibus quis in ante. Duis at diam blandit, ultricies tellus at, mattis risus. Proin iaculis lectus at aliquet imperdiet.

Easy to Find: Minutes from Red Lobster, Best Buy, and Dick's Sporting Goods
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